The Miracle Travel Mug of Traveling

Listeners from around the world are tweeting photos of their Miracle Travel Mug of Traveling!

Add yours to our gallery by tweeting with the hashtag #gnbmugtour2014 today!

Don’t own one of these fantastic travel mugs made using the power of Science? They keep hot things hot and cold things cold (not at the same time)! Buy one today and support The Big Show!

Buy Now $30


Victor is the dashing creator of the #gnbmugtour2014 hashtag, and possibly a Bond Villian.

Why he finds himself hopscotching across the globe, let alone with his Geeks & Beats Miracle Travel Mug of Traveling, remains a mystery. If Victor ever decides to retire to his hollowed-out volcano in the South Pacific, he could become a Stock Photography Model as we’re not completely convinced this is his actual Twitter profile photo.


There are literally a dozen listeners who have bought a

Miracle Travel Mug of Traveling

and you might be one, too!

Tweet a photo of the wisest online purchase you’ve ever made with the hashtag #gnbmugtour2014 and join the gallery!