When Slave Leia Had a Thing for Captain Kirk

A View From the Bridge: our semi-regular feature we affectionately call “A View from the Bridge.” Here we take a look at the news and happenings in the Star Trek universe.

There is a lot going with Star Trek, so let’s get right into it!

Slave, Leia signed William Shatner.

Many can be forgiven for confusing Star Trek and Star Wars. To the non-fan, both are in space. While many fans will endlessly debate which franchise is better. William Shatner, not shy to take jabs at Star Wars, has recently revealed that Carrie Fisher once asked him for an autograph. And not a simple, conventional signature, on a Captain Kirk headshot or other Star Trek memorabilia. No… Carrie Fisher thought it would be fun for Shatner to sign one of her pictures as Princess Leia in her slave bikini outfit.

Now that would be something to see.

It’s clear that both have a great sense of irony.

Still More Star Trek

As we reported last week, there are now even more Star Trek series rumored to be in development. We reported previously 4 Star Trek films or TV series, however, when we expand this to include books and comics there are now as many as 13 projects in development and another 8 rumored.

Here are a few highlights.

Star Trek goes R rated under the direction of Quentin Tarantino.

Tarantino working with J.J. Abrams is rumored to be in production with the Kelvin timeline of our favorite Star Trek characters. Complete with J.J. Abrams cast. This development gets a little confusing considering S.J Clarkson has been brought on to direct Star Trek 4. So Tarantino’s film could possibly be a 5th installment? Or another movie altogether? It’s all just conjecture at this point.

Mixing unlikely pop culture favorites in an epic crossover is always popular. IDW Publishing will bring us Star Trek versus Transformers. Think of the original Star Trek and Transformers animated series, and you’ll get the idea for this one.

For those looking to explore the universe with the Next Generation characters, fans can look forward to a IDW comics. Unlike many comic series that spread their stories over numerous issues, this new offering will bring back the familiar format of the self-contained stories of the original show into a single issue.

Following up on the rumoured return of Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard, many are now speculating that a reboot of the Next Generation could be in the works.

Keeping with the Next Generation, one of the favorite characters could also be getting his own spin-off. The long-rumoured “Worf Chronicles” just won’t go away.

In the books category, look out for The Autobiography of Mr. Spock, and another book that explores the lost scenes of the original series.

Here is a list of what we know so far, some still only rumours, others are confirmed in production:
1. Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery – TV series in development
2. Khan Noonien Singh – Movie or TV series still rumoured
3. Star Trek 4 – Movie in development
4. Star Trek vs Transformers – Crossover comic in development
5. Quentin Tarantino – Movie (?)
6. Star Trek: Next Generation – Comic in development
7. Starfleet Academy – TV series still rumoured
8. To Lose the Earth – A new novel in progress featuring the characters from Star Trek: Voyager characters
9. In The Heart of Chaos – New novel in development
10. Star Trek TOS: The Lost Scenes – in development
11. The Next Generation reboot – TV series rumor (make it so)
12. The Autobiography of Mr. Spock – Book in development
13. The Next Generation spin-off series The Worf Chronicles – rumour
14. What We Left Behind – Book exploring Star Trek DS9 in development
15. Star Trek Animated series – all gossip
16. Obsessed With Star Trek – Book in development
17. Limited TV Series – all rumour
18. Star Trek: A Cultural History – book in development
19. Nicholas Meyer Trilogy – all rumour, I am afraid

More William Shatner

William Shatner is everywhere. From his constant conventions, visits to recreated Star Trek sets and writing projects, the 87-year-old William Shatner cannot seem to take a rest or stay out of trouble.

Spotify has pulled Shatner’s cover of Thomas Dolby’s “She Blinded Me with Science.” This follows a long-standing dispute between Thomas Dolby and the streaming service. Though, I am not sure we are missing much here.

Fans can catch William Shatner once again at this year’s FanExpo in Toronto.

What new Star Trek Project are you most looking forward to? What rumoured project would you want to see become a reality? Tell us in the comments below.

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