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TV’s Michael Hainsworth walks away from a 30 year mainstream media career and the title of Canada’s Most Watched Business Reporter. But why leave BNN and CTV News now?
Frank Magazine is going to be so upset you both think they’re dead.
Hahahah. Bloody typists.
We wondered what happened to you!! Miss your ties!! Best of luck.
I contemplated auctioning them off!
Michael Hainsworth I have dibs on the polka dot one!!! Good podcast by the way.
Shelley Boomhower Slater Thanks! I’ve always been a radio guy at heart and podcasting scratches that itch, particularly when I can highly produce an episode.
You were the best person to watch on BNN.
Sad you are gone.
Best of luck!!
Thanks, Kim! It means a lot to hear.
Looking forward to your future projects Michael. BNN isn’t the same without you and your punny ways.
Thanks, Roy! My eye-rolling daughter and show producer might disagree on the pun-point, but thank you!
Good Luck Michael, Ive been watching you for over 15 years. You were a great closer and Ill miss listening to you everyday at 4.
I wondered where u went….I will miss you on CTV but do wish u much success, you deserve it.
Enjoyed listening to the show today ( 1st time )…and I wish Michael lots of luck in discovering what is NEXT for him! BTW…I like the sound effects!!!
Thanks! Would love to have you as a subscriber to the big show. We have a blast. https://www.geeksandbeats.com/subscribe
Great listen, guys! Michael & I put in time together at 680. He was always a pleasure to work with. Much of what he said reflects my views on the sad state of mainstream media. In my opinion, the rise of shareholder greed and HR departments in the 90s was the death knell of all that was good about an industry I’d been in since the mid-70s. Onward and upward, Hainsworth!
Thanks, Mike! You were one of my mentors at 680 and it means a lot that you listened.
Michael another great one gone from BNN we will miss you, there wont be another that will be able to take your place, watched Your past counter part Kparts on Fox doing an amazing jo also, good luck in your Future, if ever up in Orillia say hi!!!lol
Thanks, Dave. And agreed: it’s great to see Kristina Partsinevelos stealing the show on Fox Business!
She had a great Teacher, take care!!!
Excellent show Guys. We have watched you on BNN for many years Michael and enjoyed your show.We will continue to listen to your podcast. Keep up the good work. By the way,the Beancounters have hollowed out almost all industries.
Excellent show.
Thanks, Frank! I have a blast producing it each week, and it’s an honour to work with radio legend Alan Cross Official. I hope you’ll tell your friends!
I have already reposted the link
well BNN sucks now , you have a personality that draws viewers in , first your pal Kristina and now you , sigh , best of luck in your new endeavour Micheal
I have all the time in the world for Kristina Partsinevelos. She’s a combination of creativity, energy, and curiosity that will be her rocket fuel to great success at everything she does.
Have been missing you fon BNN. It’s certainly not the same without you! Whatever your next job, you will be successful.
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Thanks! I’m gonna miss the joint!
Wish u all the best amigo
WOW. Just listened to your latest episode (with a Kleenex in my hand). First Carl (Walking Dead) now my favourite BNN personality!!!! Whhhhyyyyy!!!!
But seriously, I stepped out from working with a large corporation 20-years ago and it was the BEST decision (next to asking my wife to marry me) I EVER made!! It can be a bit daunting cutting the “apron strings” to a regular cashflow but I wouldn’t have been able to achieve what I have without pulling the trigger!
You will ROCK MH! No doubt about it!!
All the best man! Btw, Hi Alan!!!
Hey, Bain, thanks so much for your heartfelt response to the big show and your confidence that I didn’t just make the biggest mistake of my career! 🙂 Thanks for listening.
Michael, I don’t normally have time to listen to 45-minute podcasts. But I’m glad I found this one because I so enjoyed hearing your comments in true Hainsworth style. I even found time to leave a comment back. You and Alan are a great team and when I’m rich and famous I’ll certainly support you. In the meantime, as a lover of radio in particular, and a fan of your facile use of the spoken word, I want to send you my vote to be the next Rex Murphy – hope that’s not too mainstream for your vision. Also, I hear that there’s now a vacancy in the spot that Charlie Rose used to occupy. I had to hunt around and find you when I realized (eventually) that you had left BNN, but I know I won’t have to hunt so hard when you become the household name in broadcasting that you are destined to be. At this point people may be wondering if I’m a stooge being paid to say all this, so this is my disclaimer that we’ve never met, and we’re not related — except by our common love of excellence in the use of English, and a wish to see and hear good, honest reporting of the events of this world. with intelligence and humour. Go get ’em!
Hi, Elizabeth,
Thank you for taking the time to reach out. Your kind note is greatly appreciated!
Michael, I’m sad to learn you are no longer at BNN. I only found this out recently… previously thought you were just on an extended break! You were always my favourite personality on BNN.
Good luck to you and all the best!
Richard, thank you for your kind words! I hope you’ll stay in touch via social media. I’m on Twitter and Facebook as @hainsworthtv, and of course, the podcast!
Will miss you on bnn. Feel like I know you personally after watching you for 20 years . Best of luck in the future , eric
Thank you for your kind words. I loved my time at BNN, but it’s time for something new. In addition to my podcast, I’m launching in the new year a new documentary series on the impact technology will have on society. I’ll ping you when it’s online!
Saw you this am on chch with Bob Cowan you look great in a casual red shirt, it suits you well, podcast neat. I’ll be backing your new endeavor eric
Thanks, Eric! Thanks for supporting the big show. You can subscribe to Geeks & Beats on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play! https://www.geeksandbeats.com/subscribe