Apple Car: Nvidia artificial intelligence exec poached

While the company still hasn’t confirmed or denied any work toward the project, Apple has hired Jonathan Cohen away from chipmaker Nvidia, a company known for its graphics technologies that help make video games more vivid. Nvidia also has recently started making inroads toward self-driving cars, reports Re/code.

Nvidia isn’t just known for chips, however, but has done extensive work on deep learning, which Re/code’s Mark Bergen describes as “a branch of artificial intelligence prized at tech companies for its ability to train computers to process patterns in large reams of visual data. Lately, Nvidia has used the technique for cars. The company sells its chips—graphic processing units, or GPUs—to car makers, which use it to power cameras and radar that enable vehicles to drive autonomously.”

All Apple has said so far about its efforts that may or may not be leading to the release of a self-driving car have been vague speculative comments, including CEO Tim Cook’s suggestion last week that a “massive change” is coming to the auto industry. Hiring away the guy who was responsible for deep learning at Nvidia is probably a smart move if Apple’s heading in the automotive direction. It’s not like the company needs to improve its graphics capabilities.

Read more on this development here.



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