A (Really) Limited Edition G&B PowerStick III for $1!

This rugged 2,300 mAh charger could be yours for just $1. But, of course, there’s a catch. You have to be a member of The World’s Worst Intern Program. What makes it the worst? You have to pay us to work here, and you don’t actually do any work.

For every $1/episode, we’ll throw in a raffle ticket in your name. This sweet piece of swag is worth about a hundred bucks. So if you support the show at $10/episode, ten tickets get entered. Brilliant!

You don’t have to worry about us sucking your credit card dry. You can set a lifetime limit on how much support (or raffle tickets) you want to contribute.
What makes this a Limited Edition? PowerStick is only doing a run of one. Single. So if you win this, no putting it up on eBay, capeesh?

Limited Edition G&B PowerStick III Features

 Charges your smartphone from 0% to 100%. Or, like a billion times if you’ve got a flip phone.

 4 LED lights indicate charge. No lights? No charge.

 Case and accessory friendly.

 Stick-like nature resembles pack of gum in your pants. Warning: Do not eat Limited Edition G&B PowerStick III.

Winner announced on the August 19th Season Finale!

$1 raffle ticket

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