Jarvis Cocker Presenting his 20 Golden Greats at Paris Art Space

With a salute to record labels, RCA, Victor, and Belter, Pulp’s Jarvis Cocker has designed vinyl records, bearing the names of fictional tracks.

“The idea arose 3 years ago, during a period in which I didn’t really know where I was headed,” Cocker said in a press release. “I had just finished a tour and people kept asking what I was going to do next, if I was going to start work on a new record. Though it’s a bit embarrassing, that’s where the idea came from. I told them ‘Yes, I’m working on records, but not in the manner you’d expect.”

Along with the display of the vinyl, the exhibit will also have footage of an old English music show. “In contrast to the gold record, which is the record industry’s way of confirming commercial success, these fans who engage, share an energy, a communal moment that’s ultimately not so focused on the band, it’s them who symbolise what music means to me: an energy to be shared, that draws people together, that encourages interactions via the act of listening and dancing,” said Cocker.

20 Golden Greats will be on view at Red Bull Space Paris in June and will run till late August. An accompanying soundtrack, featuring instrumentals, will be available for sale at the gallery on limited edition vinyl. The release features collaborations with French producer, Pilooski and English artist, Serafina Steer.

For more information on 20 Golden Greats, go Here.

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