Bono may never play the guitar again

Onhis blog on Bono says his recovery has been more difficult than he first thought.

As I write this, it is not clear that I will ever play guitar again. The band have reminded me that neither they nor Western civilization are depending on this. I personally would very much miss fingering the frets of my green Irish falcon or my (RED) Gretsch. Just for the pleasure, aside from writing tunes. But then does the Edge, or Jimmy Page, or any guitarist you know have a titanium elbow, as I do now? I’m all elbows, I am.

Bono also says he is delirious in places but is still attempting and hoping to make a full recovery so he can tour with the band later this year. He hasn’t been able to move around physically which gives him time to write words for new songs.

“I have also had an opportunity to look back and review the year in a way I’ve never had time to do before,” says Bono. “There have been more highs than lows, but perhaps the reason for this A TO Z endeavor is an attempt to learn from mistakes – the first of which is the discovery that I am not an armoured vehicle. Edge says I look at my body as an inconvenience…the problem, as I see it, is that I think my head is harder than any other surface.”


How is it U2’s Bono looks like every other Dad Riding a Bike?

While riding his bike through New York’s Central Park on November 16th, the singer attempted to avoid another rider and was involved in what his doctors have called a ‘high energy bicycle accident.’ Bono was rushed to New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center’s Emergency Department and underwent multiple X-rays and CAT scans which was followed by five hours of surgery.

The singer suffered many injuries, including a facial fracture involving the orbit of his eye, three separate fractures of his left shoulder-blade and a fracture of his left humerus bone in his upper arm. The latter injury was most damaging, with the bone shattering in six different places and tearing through his skin.

Four years ago on his 50th birthday, Bono says he received an injury when he was over indulging in exercises which included boxing and cycling while throwing some alcohol into the mix.

“I promised myself I would be more mindful of my limits, but just four years on, it happened again – a massive injury I can’t blame on anyone but myself, mainly because I blanked out on impact and have no memory of how I ended up in New York Presbyterian with my humerus bone sticking through my leather jacket,” says Bono. “Very punk rock as injuries go.”

Bono explains that he has to concentrate very hard so he’ll ready for the new U2 tour in fitness terms.

As a result, I have cancelled every public appearance and decided this missive is all the communication I can manage for the first half of 2015, beyond muttering and singing to myself of course.

U2 have planned a tour entitled the Innocence + Experience Tour 2015 where they plan to play 60 concerts in North America and Europe starting May 14th in Vancouver.

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