We all know we’re probably never gonna have another platinum selling album. Traditional charts are becoming less useful every year, since physical sales aren’t even a quarter of the overall story. What’s becoming more useful however, are the metrics provided by streaming services like Pandora. Pandora’s AMP is aiming to give artists getting spins on the service, insight into exactly who’s listening, skipping, creating stations with, and repeating their music.
The company says:
Those metrics include the number of spins and the number of “thumbs ups”—which signals that a user likes the track and makes it more likely to reappear in a future playlist—as well as the number of people who have created stations based on the artist and demographic and geographic breakdowns.
Basically, artists will now know who’s living room to book when they come to town. Check it out here.
Krystal Brown-John liked this on Facebook.
Nice feature. That’s what a good use of ‘location service’ should look like.