Rob Ford and deadmau5 – Coffee Run

There is a very large part of me that is sick and tired of the constant barrage of Rob Ford coverage.  I do not think that many of us can deny that a lot of the chatter RE: Ford has gone from belonging in the Politics section to the Celebrity Gossip section of your local paper.  However, that doesn’t mean that I still don’t get sucked in just about every time there is a new story associated with the (in)famous Mayor of Toronto.

If you are a reader of this web site, you most likely already know that deadmau5 is one of the biggest names in electronic music.  You also probably know that he has a Youtube show called “Coffee Run” where he drives around Toronto in a car talking to companions of his.  Well, deadmau5 has decided that he really wanted to up his view count with his latest episode featuring none other than Rob Ford.

Given how much time Rob Ford spends at Toronto dance club music, I would not even be surprised if he was a huge fan of Niagara’s own mighty mouse.

Watch the episode below.


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