Co-Producers in Love

The Love Boat — not for atheists? The Captain of the television show classic makes a hard turn to starboard. Nothing says Christmas quite like AC/DC. Why British bookies are placing the odds of a holiday to hell at 3 to 1. Microsoft’s new XBox is X-Rated? We’ll tell you why you might want to avoid boxers before playing the next generation console. The NSA Poetry Jam: how to get a knock on your door thanks to a Haiku generator. Plus: Two G&B listeners tie the knot Geek-Style and why Neil Armstrong has women to thank for his one small step for man.

Disclaimer –

And you thought you knew everything about The Love Boat theme song…

AC/DC for Christmas #1


The Xbox One has a wee dong problem

Microsoft to buy Deezer?

Co-Producer Steve Feek marrying G&B listener Carol Law!


U2 management change (there’s a tech angle here)

Teasing the NSA with a haiku generator

Neil Armstrong has boobies to thank for his space suit.

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