Rdio, Rdio

It’s been more than a week since the faithful bull terrier went down 2-0 in the series against the skunk in the back yard.  Fortunately, the skunk thought this was a best-of-three affair and has moved on to the next round against the weimaraner down the street.  Good.

Meanwhile, thanks to all the G&B listeners who forward various de-skunkifying formulae.  I’ve prepared an emergency stash of these concoctions just in cause Pepe LePew wants a rematch.

That being said, here’s what you can expect on this week’s episode of Geeks and Beats, which you can stream/download here or get through iTunes.

Reconnaissance from my trip to the HQ of Rdio in San Francicso. (More in a separate post coming up.)

The pursuit of dashboard standards.

Rogers working on getting WiFi in cars.

Interview with Mike Springer, author of The Stunt That Got Elvis Costello Band From Saturday Night Live 

Synethesia update from Alyssa Clarkson of Kitchener.  (We gonna get rich!)

Contest update.

LA Podcast Festival.  Why aren’t we at this?

Ask Alan Anything – https://www.geeksandbeats.com/category/aaa/

Ken from Courtney BC asks about band Holly Woods. Where’d she come from and how Toronto got together and what happened later on?

This law is stupid.

Brand new use for old CDs


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