To Live and NDA in L.A.

If I sound a little out of it on this week’s podcast, it’s because I had to get up at 5:45 PT after a long trip to Los Angeles that didn’t get me into my hotel room until after 1am PT.

Nevertheless, the show must go on.  Download the episode here, stream it here or grab it from iTunes.

Crews begin to move wrecked cruise ship.

App helps you find all your favourite artists’ social media feeds

Do You Use Songza?

Sandra Bullock uses Radiohead 

Canadian Indie Band creates video game where you fight off crazy fans until everybody dies

Here’s an interesting set of new headphones.

New Invention turns your finger into a speaker

Ask Alan Anything 

Darren from Calgary AB: What’s the deal with royalties and how much revenue do some of these classic albums like Sgt. Peppers and U2’s War, make?

co-producer Dan LynchCo-Producer Dan Lynch.  Thank you!   Dan lives in Uxbridge Ontario and is a general contractor. Does a beautiful job in particular with kitchens and cabinets. I’m not sure how he found out about the show. He’s a long time music fan, loved CFNY from the old days. Loves to see live music. He (his family) has a miniature schnauzer named Abby.  He is a beer connoisseur and enjoys a nice nip of Jameson’s (liquid courage) on the golf course.

Listener response!

Listener has download probs. Here’s a solution.

Update on the Cut Copy promo.

More isolated vocals from Freddie Mercury.

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